Dennis Dow is a free spirit who infuses others around him with his energy and wit. He is an accomplished team player who uses the word "team" to include all of its members. Dennis has a degree in Sports Management, has been the Recreation Director at Westboro State Hospital and is currently the Director of Youth Services at Cornerstone Corporation in Worcester, MA. Dennis has 35 years experience in leadership and teambuilding activities for all ages. He has attended training hosted by leaders such as John Maxwell and Brian Tracy. Dennis has just completed a seminar by MARC “Bullying & Cyberbullying Train the Trainer” View bully cert.pdf here. Ernie Thebado biggest strength is his ability to relate to any age group in any capacity. He is not afraid to "get involved" and that helps others to do the same. Ernie has 30 years experience in leading teams in many capacities. Ernie has been the Assistant Executive Director at the Watertown Boys and Girls Club and is currently the Assistant Recreation Director for the Town of Watertown. Ernie has attended numerous leadership and motivation trainings from the National Boys and Girls Organization. Also pictured is our Assistant Youth Guidance Director Sevrina Marie Dow. ACME has presented at the annual NERSC conference yearly from 2006 in a variety of formats. ACME was founded in 2005